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Integrated Technical Services

Safety and integrity of facilities

Safety by design is the foundation of our engineering services.

GCM offers a full range of integrated multidisciplinary engineering services to protect communities, the environment and facilities.

Mechanical integrity of equipment

Our Mechanical Integrity Group specialists assess the integrity of equipment such as pressure vessels and pressure piping, boilers, pipelines, storage tanks, and others in accordance with applicable industry standards.


As a part of its complete operational safety offering, GCM Consultants provides complete Safety Instrumented System (SIS) engineering services to help clients operate their installations safely and efficiently.

Machine safety

GCM Consultants offers complete risk control services to maximize the safety of operators around equipment.

Industrial ventilation

GCM Consultants possesses a strong industrial ventilation and air treatment experience in all activity sectors. We offer all the necessary expertise for the prevention of explosions in industrial settings and the mitigation of their impact on both people and property.

Process safety management

More and more industrial firms are implementing a systematic approach to safety, with the aim of reducing risk by improving the safety of staff and the public. The expertise of GCM Consultants, recognized as one of the best in North America, allows our clients to rank among the top performers in their industry.

Fire protection

GCM provides industrial fire protection hazard analysis, engineering, design, and construction assistance. Our department specializes both in new fire protection system implementation and existing system upgrades.

Lifting equipment

The GCM Consultants Civil-Structure group is experienced in heavy industry and offers a comprehensive service for the certification of lifting equipment’s existing structures.


Our welding technical support team combines the skills of welding engineers, experienced mechanical engineers and dynamic metallurgists. Their expertise applies to heavy and light industries and to manufacturing, plant projects, on or off-site fabrication or repair work.

Pre-start-up safety review (PSSR)

The pre-start-up safety review (PSSR) provides a final verification of new and modified equipment to confirm that all appropriate elements of process safety management have been addressed satisfactorily and the facility is safe to start up.

It is highly recommended that sites handling hazardous chemicals perform PSSRs for all new facilities or modifications to existing facilities for which the modification necessitates a change in the documented process technology. This requirement is part of the Canadian PSM standard CSA Z-767.

pressure relieving systems

Pressure relieving systems are an integral part of any plant as they ensure their safe operation. They are, therefore, highly regulated by codes (governmental regulations and construction codes) and industry recommended practices.

Our expertise lies in our approach of combining plant operational experience with our design skills and detailed knowledge of codes and recommended practices. As brownfield experts, we have extensive experience in assessing current installations and recommending solutions to ensure plant safety while minimizing capital investment.

Examples of achievements in